You go to sleep. you wake up. End of story? I think not! Have you ever really THOUGHT about what you lay your head down on at night? Have you ever really LOOKED at your pillow. Go. Look now. Is it totally BORING? You bet it is. But with a bit of time (and maybe a well placed hairdryer and some paint) can make a beautiful masterpiece such as the one to the immediate left. By the way, this tutorial is based off the one made by That Artist Woman.

In order to make your pillowcase lest drab, you must first have a blank canvas. Get a pillowcase of any color you choose (don't choose a totally ugly color, though) and smooth it out. This is used at a different time, though. Along with the pillowcase, you will need a white sheet of paper, a pencil, a black marker, some freezer paper, many colors of acrylic paint, and washable gel glue.

In order to start the total transformation, sketch out a design you want on your pillowcase. I decided to do a wolf, but you can do whatever. After your design is sketched and you know that's what you want, trace over it in black marker, as shown (you can see my pencil sketch beneath). Make sure your design isn't too complicated!

After you've done that, take your pillowcase and slip the design beneath the first layer, where your pillow would go. Make sure it's centered and straight (assuming you want your pillowcase to look straight and centered.)

Now comes the hard part; tracing your design in glue. Take the gel glue and follow the lines you made in black marker.This might take a while, but be patient! When you're done, slip out the paper, and leave the pillowcase to dry.

(time elapsed: about 1 day) The glue should be dried, and now it's time to paint! If you want to stay clean, you might want to wear an apron or an old shirt - acrylics stain! First, slip your freezer paper (shiny side up!) into your pillowcase where your drawing used to be. Then, take your paints, and put them onto a plate or anything else that can serve as your palette. Take your paintbrush and add water to the colors - this way, you'll use less paint, and more of the colors will stay in the pillowcase. You can use any color paints, but remember that where you put the glue will be the color of your pillowcase!

Let the paint dry. Then, put your pillowcase in the wash (alone, sicne the colors will bleed out) and let the glue and colors that don'tstick weash out. Then you should have  abeautiful pillowcase, as will be shown when mine finishes!

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